New Little Friend

Hello! I know I neglected this little space for quite awhile…..I have no excuses really. I have been working on all sorts of projects, in fact I have a rather bad case of project attention disorder, jumping from one thing to the next and struggling to finish anything…you know what I mean? Anyway, I wanted to introduce my new little friend, ladybug. I keep thinking that she needs a name, but I haven’t come up with one that is suitable yet. She lives on my brand new Schacht Ladybug spinning wheel and I LOVE HER!!!! I cannot even begin to describe my excitement over this. She was a birthday/early mother’s day gift from my most wonderful husband. Up until now I have been spinning on a drop spindle which is great, but it is a very slow process for me. I have been having a fantastic time spinning up some cool skeins of yarn. More pics to come, but here is the very first bobbin that I spun. It took me a little while to get the hang of it, but I am on a role now!
I am looking forward to doing some creative artsy yarns and my next goal is to get a jumbo flyer for my sweet little ladybug.